November 4, 2011

September 25, 2011

Pictures of the temporary theatre

These are the pictures I have of the current renovation of the second theatre which Legomattster asked me to build.

The entrance. You can see the guard dog, right? He's a real softy.

"Woof Woof! :) " says the dog. 

Make shift picnic area. The theatre wraps around the entire property, so it's pretty big.
The pool of no return.... wait a second! Well, this is the swimming pool for authors, leaders, captains, photographers and actors! Dive in, everybody!
The seats. As soon as I get the enemies back from my RavenCloud Bluff, there will be some bricks set up together to look like a device. Then, Sentinel's (like me) could block the entrances into the seats so the stromlings won't get to the audience. Good idea, right?
A very small band room :P Not very fantastic, is it? :P
The high up stage. Stairs, as you can see... yay!
This is most likely what the actors will see, at this position.
"Did I not instruct that box five was to be kept empty?" Phantom of the opera style! Anyway, what do you think of the boxes?
Backstage... sorta? Well, it will be better later, but it's what I have right now.
Steps to the boxes. Fun!
Inside the box, and yet another pair of steps.

What do you think, everyone?

September 15, 2011

New Script!

Take a look at the "Plays and Scripts" page. There is a new script, by me, at the bottom. Read over it, and tell me what you think!

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

September 12, 2011

Great Practice!

Great practice, team! Even though we had many . . . um, distractions, you guys did great. For our first showing at the Theatre, it was great. I think either Wise or Murphy will lead the meeting next Saturday. Please show them the same respect you show me. If not better. :P . Also, please be sure to tell Roseann from Roseann Shadowflame Photography thanks for joining us and providing perfect pictures of our performance. Roseann and her photography company will cover most of the photo-taking from now on. Thanks, and stay posted!

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

Saturday night play

Sadly, I could not be there for the play, but I got some good pictures from practice. Sorry that some of them go out of the blog boundries!

                                                                            Picture 1

                                                         Picture 2 (Sorry about the person running through!)

                                                           Picture 3

                                                                    Picture 4

Picture 5

                                                                    Picture 6

                                                                         Picture 7

                                                                              Picture 8

I'll post the next ones soon, I just can't find them right now.

August 25, 2011

The Theatre is Finished!


The LU Theatre has finished being under construction, and is now complete! We are just waiting for approval and then you guys can go in and see what I have done. It is now 3-4 times bigger than what it was previously! I have added a member-only lounge, and a member-only practice Theatre. The seating area in the main Theatre is also much larger. Outside, you will find a concession area where we will sell food. You can find it all down the new tree-lined paths! As soon as it is approved, go check it out! Until then, you can take a look at some pictures of it:

The Tree-Lined Entrance

The Concession Area

A view from the front of the Theatre

The entrance

The main stage

The member-only practice Theatre

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

August 17, 2011

Don't Be Fooled!

In trying to find this site, you may have had a LOT of trouble. Except for Murphy. :P . Here is some clarification.

When you search,"LU THEATRE" in Google, it will come up with a bunch of REAL theatre's.

When you search for,"LEGO UNIVERSE LU THEATRE," it will come up with a blog for LU Theatre. That one was made by CapnMike, back in the middle of Beta. He no longer plays LU, and still hasn't deleted the blog. Ignore that one.

The best way to find this again, is to either bookmark it, or type in the web address, and press "I'm Feeling Lucky!" The site should pull right up. Just thought I would clarify. Thanks!

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

August 15, 2011

Let's get moving!

Ok, guys! This is my first EVER website, so it may start out rough. I will try to keep the member list updated here, but will actually use the inactivity rule on the Message Boards. Anyways, let's get started! As many of you SHOULD know, I am back in-game for the update. Yesterday, there was a meeting at my Avant Grove, and I was disappointed to see only Lakerkb25 show up. Then, 15 minutes later, Jesika showed up, and we were able to practice both of their parts. They have their parts at tip-top shape, and I am just waiting to see what the other actors are doing. I imagine they have theirs down, but we still need to practice as a whole. So, the meeting went well, and Lakerkb25 wanted to see the home Theatre (Nimbus Rock). We got there, I gave him a tour, and then a bunch of random people showed up. :P One went away, and the other joined the Theatre! Please give a warm welcome to our newest member: ItsBusiness! At the end of our second "meeting", I introduced a new activity to be done at the end of each meeting: raffles! (Actually, I got the idea from legocastlebuilder. Thanks!) A Blocks Shirt was up for grabs, and ItsBusiness took home the prize. Congrats! All in all, it was a great meeting, and I can't wait to see you guys next week!

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."