Plays and Scripts

Below, you will find the "library" of plays and scripts that we have created, or bought licensing on. If you have any, please feel free to post them in the comments. Thanks!

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

Notion Potion: The Potential Lifesaver

*Sentinel knight walks on stage with a minifig with a shield and basic sword
following him*

Commander: You sure you ready for this, newbie?

Newbie: I think so, sir.

Commander: Well, the Maelstrom is strong. Almost too strong.

Newbie: Yes, I know.

Commander: I have recieved word from command saying that I am needed there.

Newbie: You mean . . .

Commander: No, I can't go with you. You will have to go alone.

Newbie: Oh. Ok . . .

Commander: I must go now. Farewell, and good luck!


*Minifigs with Party Pants and purple shirts of some sort walk on stage. Knights,
Newbie, and a few other minifigs are on stage*


Maelstrom Minifigs: *yelling*

*People randomly smash themselves until all the Maelstrom are gone. Only a few
Minifigs remain. Newbie is not among them.*


*Commander walks on battlefield and looks for newbie. Looks in the crowd too.*

Commander: Newbie? Newbie?!

Unit Leader: I am sorry to tell you Commander, but he has been smashed.

Commander: NO! (Crying/Sad Quickchat)


*All of a sudden, Newbie walks on stage.*

Newbie: Heya, Commander!

Commander: NEWBIE?! I thought you were smashed!

Newbie: Nope. I was thirsty. I went back home to get some Notion Potion. What did I miss?

Commander: Never mind. Let's go home.


*Actors come out and bow*


For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Captain
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

Friends, Even 'Till the End

*Plate and Brick walk on stage, chatting about random things*

Plate: So, you want to go and get a couple Thirst Quenchers?

Brick: Sure, why not.

Plate: By the way, you going to the battle tomorrow?

Brick: Why not? You?

Plate: Of course.

Brick: Well, I'm thirsty. Last one to the vendor is melted plastic!


*Maelstrom creatures are on one side of stage; Plate, Brick, and other Nexus Force members on other side.

Plate: For Imagination!

Brick: Charge!

*Everyone runs at their enemies and starts to attack. Some Maelstrom smash, others run away off stage. Some to no Nexus Force soliers smash, but Plate is using a "Sit Down" Quickchat because he was badly wounded. Brick runs to him, while all other actors clear stage*


Plate: Here . . .

Brick: What happened?

Plate: Maelstrom . . . too strong. . . Admiral blast . . .

Brick: Stay with me!

*Plate stays on the "Sit Down" Quickchat but does not respond*


*Maelstrom creatures start to come back on stage slowly*

Brick: Uh oh.

Maelstrom: Ooh . . .

*Plate manages to speak*

Plate: Run . . . save yourself . . .

Brick: NO! I won't leave you!

Maelstrom: CHARGE!

*Maelstrom start running toward them*

*Brick fights them off, all the Maelstrom smash, but then Brick uses "Sit Down" Quickchat*


*Minifigs, previously Nexus Force soldiers, wear white outfits and come to help. They walk with Brick and Plate off stage*


*Brick and Plate walk on stage together*

Brick: You feeling ok?

Plate: Yeah, great. You?

Brick: Yep.

Plate: Why didn't you run?

Brick: I could never leave you.

Plate: But you could have been . . .

Brick: Yes, but we're friends, aren't we?

Plate: Well, yes, but . . .

Brick: I wasn't going to leave you to be smashed.

Plate: I'll remember that. Hey, you want to go grab a Hot Dog?

Brick: Sure! Race you!

*Plate and Brick run off stage together*


For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

What’s Yours Is Mine 
A Play by Hurricane 
Characters & Costumes:
Miner 1 (Coveralls or ragged clothes, pickaxe or shovel, Cadet Helm if available)
Miner 2 (Same)
Stromling Rock Monster (?... need suggestions for costume)
Business Tycoon (Business suit- any color)
Off stage person (see lines in play)
Other props:
Imagination Key x2 (buy from the LEGO Club Vendor)
Quicksicles x2 (optional)

Act 1
(Miners attack a few times with backs to audience.)
Miner 1: Found any crystals yet?
Miner 2: Nope. It’s hard to believe there ARE crystals in here.
Miner 1: No kidding. We’ve been working for hours, and nothing!
(They both use ‘sit down’ quickchat)
Miner 2: I’m exhausted.
Miner 1: Tree HOURS until our shift is over!
Miner 2: -Sigh-
Miner 2: CAVE IN!
Miner 1: Let’s get out of here!
(They run offstage left using quicksicles)

Act 2
(Miners walk slowly from offstage left to center)
Miner 1: Look at all this rubble!
Miner 2: I’m glad we weren’t in here!
(Miner 1 turns around)
Miner 1: What’s that?
(Miner 1 equips imagination key)
Miner 2: Is that-?
Miner 1: I think it is…
Miner 2: The key of imagination? No way!
Miner 1: And to think that I found it…
Miner 2: Hey! WE found it.
Miner 1: You know what I’m going to do?
Miner 2: Give it to the faction leaders?
Miner 1: NO. I’m going to sell it.
Miner 2: Not if I sell it first!
(Miner 2 walks towards Miner 1, while Miner 1 backs away)
Miner 1: Go away! It’s mine!
(Miner 1 runs offstage right)
Miner 2: I thought “What’s yours is mine…”
Miner 2: We were friends…
(Miner 2 goes offstage right after Miner 1) 

Act 3
(Stromling rock monster lurks backstage center)
(Miner 1 walks across slowly with Imagination key)
(Stromling rock monster runs up)
(Miner 1 jumps)
Miner 1: Ack! A rock monster!
(Miner 1 backs away toward stage left, while the rock monster advances)
Rock Monster: Heh heh…
(Miner 1 takes off key and Rock monster equips it)
(Rock monster jumps up and down)
Rock monster: GRUMBLE GRUMBLE!
(Rock Monster runs backstage)
(Miner 2 comes onstage)
Miner 2: Where’s the key?!
Miner 1: I lost it.
Miner 2: HOW?!
Miner 1: Stromling. Rock Monster. He snuck up on me and grabbed it.
Miner 2: You didn’t try to catch it?
Miner 1: You know I can’t do that!
Miner 2: They do run pretty fast…
(Miners go back the way they came- stage right)

Act 4
(Tycoon comes onstage from left)
(Miners come onstage from right)
Miner 2: I called that Tycoon to sell him the key.
Miner 1: But you don’t have it…
Miner 2: I’ll have to tell him.
(Miner 2 goes over to Tycoon)
Tycoon: I’m sorry, I’m going to have to call off the deal.
Miner 2: Oh. Why?
Tycoon: I had another offer.
(Miner 2 looks at Miner 1, then back)
Miner 2: Who was it?
Tycoon: Funny, actually, I just met him a couple minutes ago.
Miner 2: Who was it?
Tycoon: He called himself Mr. R. Monster.

The End 

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

Mr. Obvious and Mr. Obviousness
A play by legocastlebuilder
Props needed:
Small table with 1x1 brick on it.
A sweater vest
A cooking hat
A dagger
Actors needed:
A minifigure with glasses and a fancy hat. (To wear sweater vest)
A minifigure with regular clothing, the said minifigure then puts on the cooking hat.
A narrator
Reffered as:
Minifigure with glasses and fancy hat (To wear sweater vest) will be reffered to as Minifigure 1
Minifigure with regular clothing and cooking hat to be reffered as Minifigure 2.
Narrator as Narrator

*Curtain rises*
Minifigure 1: Hello everyone! I'm so excited to be here! I just came back from telling chain stores of my new, useless product! I'm the guy in the sweater that asks all the obvious questions. And here, to accopany me today, all the way from Gnarled Forest, is..
Minifigure 2: Me! Hello everybody! I'm oh so excited to be here! I appear in movies no one has heard of but still pretend people have!
Minifigure 1: Well lets get started!
Minifigure 2: What are we presenting?
Minifigure 1: Did you just ask what were presenting?
Minifigure 2: Indeed I did!
Minifigure 1: Well, let me look at the camera all cheesy and make a box-like shape with my hands. I'm showing you guys, the Brickinator! Are you tired of having to go all the way to Forbidden Valley to buy a piece of clothing? I know I am!
Minifigure 2: You can recycle any old bricks here, and turn them into any piece of clothing!
Minifigure 1: Did you just say "Any old bricks"? And did you just say "ANY piece of clothing."?
Minifigure 2: I think that's quite obvious!
Minifigure 1: Of course, I'm the guy that asks the obvious questions!
Minifigure 2: Whatever whatever, let's go over details.
Minifigure 1: The Brickinator is the most overused and weird name! But it will still come in handy! Did I just say "The Brickinator is overused"?
Minifigure 2: -Growls-. You no longer have to travel the universe just to get that piece of clothing to complete that outfit!
Minifigure 1: I guess that's it guys! This has been the intermission to your "Regular programming", even though you saw this during commercials!
Minifigure 2: I'm tired of your being of Captain Obvious! "Punch"
Minifigure 1: Stage crew! Cut the lights!
Narrator: Buy it now! Only one million coins! Buy it in the next twin tea minutes and get more expensive shipping and handling!

The End

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

The Bully
A play by WiseSlowIon

Newbie: walks on stage and says: Hello? Is anyone here? I need help joining a faction!

Bully: (Me) Walks on stage with group of valiant players: HEY YOU! LITTLE NEWBIE, HUH? HA HA HA HA!! my group laughs as well... 

Newbie: (Cry Emote) HELP!

Bully: Attacks newbie with little friend and newbie falls off stage

Act 2!

Newbie: Walks on stage with valiant player... in newbie disguise.
''Thanks for all the help!''

Valiant Player: ahh, no problem, buddy, lets teach a lesson...



Valiant Player: BACK OFF!


( Bully smashes)

Newbie: Thanks!

The End!

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

Pirate Go
A play by Hurricane

Characters & Costumes:

Pirate (any combination of pirate clothes, double-bladed bone dagger OR Sword of Fire)
Friendly Ninja (FN) (Any non-spinjitzu Ninjago or ninja clothes)
Ninja 1 (any spinjitzu kit)
Ninja 2 (any spinjitzu kit)
Cole (Earth Spinjitzu kit)
Maelstrom Ninja (Ki filled hood and other Maelstrom-ish clothes, weapon- preferably exceptional katana)

Other Props: Riffin’ Guitar, for Friendly Ninja, optional.

Act 1

(FN and Pirate walk to center stage from stage right)
Pirate: Yar! Are you sure they will let me in? Pirates and Ninjas have been at war forever!
FN: If the Skeletons ever invade other worlds, like Gnarled Forest, you’ll need someone to fight them!
Pirate: I guess so, but what if they don’t listen?
FN: Don’t worry! You’ll be-
(FN is interrupted by Ninjas 1 and 2 walking over)
Ninja 1: You’ve had some dumb ideas before…
Ninja 2: But this is the worst!!!
Ninja 1: If Sensei Wu was here, he’d kick you out for bringing a pirate to the monastery!
FN: Wait… Sensei isn’t here?
Ninja 2: He went to go see the faction leaders in Nexus Tower.
Pirate (To FN): I told you this wouldn’t work.

Act 2

(FN and Pirate walk a few steps towards stage right)
Ninja 1: I’m curious, though. What exactly drove you to bring a pirate here?
FN: He was going to learn Spinjitzu.
(Ninja 1 and Ninja 2 look at each other, and then back)
Pirate: Yep. I told you so. Yar.
FN: You don’t have to laugh at us…
(Cole comes onstage from left)
Cole: What’s all this racket?
(Ninjas 1 and 2 stop laughing and turn to Cole)
Ninja 1: This pirate wants to learn Spinjitzu!
Ninja 2: Have you ever heard anything like it? It’s hilarious!
Cole: Not particularly hilarious.
FN: I know. There’s an important reason for it.
Cole: If the skeletons invade other worlds, we need other people to have mastered the art.
FN: So he can learn?
Cole: Absolutely.
Pirate: Yar! Where do I start? 

Act 3

(Cole does a dance emote)
Cole: You’ve got to…
Cole: Jump up kick back whip around and SPIN!
(FN uses riffin’ guitar, optional, skip this if you don’t have it)
(Cole does spinjitzu)
Cole: And then we jump back, do it again!
(Cole does spinjitzu again)
Ninja 1: Ninja- GO!
Ninja 2: Ninja- GO!
FN: Come on, come on, we’re gonna do it again, we just-
Pirate: Okay, okay, I think I get it…
(Pirate jumps)
Pirate: I jump up…
(Pirate walks backwards)
Pirate: Kick back…
(Pirate turns around)
Pirate: Whip around… and spin!
(Pirate does spinjitzu)

Act 4

Cole: Wow! Nobody has ever learned that quickly! Great job!
Pirate: Thanks! Yar!
Ninja 1: I just love that song…
Ninja 2: Yeah, it’s SO awesome.
Cole: Good job with that guitar, by the way!
FN: Thanks! I’ve been practicing, can you tell?
Cole: Oh, yes.
(Maelstrom ninja sneaks up from stage left)
Pirate: look out!
(Ninjas 1 and 2 and FN smash themselves)
Cole: Can’t… defeat… Maelstrom…
Pirate: I’ll save you!
Pirate: PIRATE… GO!!!
(He does spinjitzu and releases it by the Maelstrom Ninja)
Maelstrom Ninja: Such power! I can’t stand the awesomeness!!!
(Maelstrom Ninja smashes self)
Cole: Dude, you rock!
Pirate: It’s all part of being a pirate, me hearties! Yar har har!

The End 

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."

The First Four (For) Worlds 
A poetic play by Hurricane

Characters & Costumes:

(Minifig) 1: No armor, just a basic weapon.
(Minifig) 2: Any faction gear, but preferably Rank 3.
(Minifig) 3: Any pirate gear.
(Minifig) 4: Any ninja gear (preferably not spinjitzu weapons)

(Minifigs 1 and 2 come on from stage left. Minifigs 3 and 4 come on from stage right, ending up like this:

-> 1 2 -> <- 3 4 <-

1: LU came out a year ago
4: With a large world count of for.
2: But these for worlds had much to do
3: You just could NOT be bored.

(Minifig 1 steps forward)

1: The first of these is called AG:
Though there’s a lot to say,
You can race, or smash the Spider Queen,
Or survive with Free-To-Play…
Just don’t Survival with a team.
It’s MUCH more annoying than it would seem.

(Minifig 1 steps back, Minifig 2 steps forward)

2: I guess NS, a proper term, should be called a hub.
There’s a launch to almost every world- but you got to have a sub.
Go back in time to save us all, or eat some tasty grub,
Or race, or buy some faction gear, or go to LEGO Club…
Oh, wait, they moved that place.
It’s in Nexus Tower now. What a disgrace.

(Minifig 2 steps back, Minifig 3 steps forward)

3: GF is truly the best of all!
With pirates you simply cannot fall!
Fire a cannon, explore out far!
Smash some admirals! Be awesome! Yar!
And we have the best rares, specifically a parrot.
Red, orange, yellow, green or blue, you will be proud to wear it.

(Minifig 3 steps back, Minifig 4 steps forward)

4: FV is home to
Ninjas, who are greater than
Those awful pirates.

(Minifig 4 looks at Minifig 3, then back to audience)

Battle a dragon,
Maelstrom horsemen and ronin,
Meditate in peace.

(All 4 step forward)

1: Here is a glimpse of what LU
4: Contained just one year past.
2: And to think that though more will come,
3: These will be here till the last. 

For Imagination- LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre- Team Leader
"Imagination calls: All will hear, Some will answer."