October 30, 2012


Hello all. Hopefully you remember me. It's been a while since LEGO Universe closed down, but that's not just why I'm posting here. As most of you have probably heard, LEGO is teaming up with Funcom to make a brand new MMO called "LEGO Minifigures". This game is going to be released in about a year, and who knows when they'll start Beta. I'm sure most of you will be playing the game as well as myself, so I'll get to the point.

I'm proposing the rebirth of the LU Theatre. Depending on how many old members I can find, we'll either continue where we left off in positions, or I'll go recruiting again. The member list on this site is the last active list from LU. I know Hurricane and probably Roseann are still available through different sites, but I'm going to have to work hard for the rest of you! 

If you are reading this, and are a previous member of the Theatre, by all means please post! If you weren't a member but would like to join, you are welcome to post. However, you won't really be "accepted" as a full member until we can meet in-game.

Please don't think I'm crazy for starting a year in advance. Right now, we can gather members and prepare some scripts, ideas, etc. And then, who knows? Beta might be released in a few weeks! Happy Posting!

For Imagination - LEGO/|\@++$+&R
LU Theatre - "Leading the Charge"


  1. I would man, but I do not think I'll be getting the new MMO. I waited 5 years for LU to have it close after 2 years, Im not going through that again.

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure if I want to go through another heartbreak. :P This is just a last ditch effort to revive this thing, but if the turnout is like it has been, I'm not even going to worry about it. Besides, I still play other online games already. Anyway, thanks for posting. Good luck in life. :P

  3. legomattser
    Do you have steam? That's where most old LU players are. What do you play? I'd like to talk again someday. If you have Steam add Murphy and I. I'm Teddy Broosevelt as of the moment (Don't ask, I'll explain if you add me) but I think you can find me as legocastlebuilder or MrCastlebuilder. I'm also on the LEGO Universe Refugees group (Over 200 people!) Hope to see you there. Download steam at store.steampowered.com. (Sorry I've just been feeling nostalgic lately.)

  4. Good to hear from you again. Hope your Christmas was as good as mine. Hey, at least the world didn't end, right? Yes, I have Steam. My ID is TheMattster23. I'm kinda busy so you might be able to add me before I can you. Anyway, I'm glad you posted. Hopefully we can talk on Steam or here more.
